Articles of Interest

Feathers, Flight and Parrot Keeping
"...there comes with keeping a flighted parrot a true appreciation for the keen intelligence and magical whimsy so frequently displayed by the flighted bird. " -- Pamela Clark, Avian Behavior Consultant,

Treating Parrots As Birds, Not Mammals
"We should not see flight as a "problem" to be "solved" by wing clipping. Instead, it is so fundamental a part of being a bird, that flightlessness should, in general, be deemed to be unfair on a creature whose whole being has evolved around its ability to fly." -- Greg Glendell, Birds First

Basic Flight Training Theory
"Free flight can be a wonderful experience for both the owner and the bird and is a great exercise for building a healthy strong body (exercise) and high self esteem (self confidence). Freeflight training should not be taken lightly since mistakes can lead to the permanent loss of your trusting little friend. However, Freeflight training can be done and it can be done safely." -- Chris Biro, Esence


Free Flight List

Chris Biro has several free flighted parrots. He focuses on training through positive reinforcement and currently has a FreeFlight List where members discuss living with and training flighted parrots. For more information and photos, visit Chris Biro's Free Flight Training site.